Friday, June 06, 2008


Down the memory lane, I dig into my past contents and precisely remember the warning I mentioned on Global warming and the rising of the seas. Come June 5, on World Environment day, every year we find the lurking dangers of Global warming and the print media as well as the online websites are all mentioning of the Environment day and how to celebrate the day.
The celebrations go on in many ways including street rallies, bicycles parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, recycling efforts, clean up campaigns and much many more events taking place. Even political attention to save environment is sort for. Well, WED (World Environment Day) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. WED is hosted every year on June 5 and UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) also create awareness of environment and enhance political attention and public action. The topic for World Environment day for 2007 was "Melting Ice - A Hot Topic?" During International Polar year, WED 2007 focus on the effects that climate might change is having on polar ecosystems and communities, on other Ice and snow covered areas of the world and the resulting global impacts. The 2008 WED topic cover the CO2 Kick the Habit - Towards Low Carbon Economy. Here's the WED Guides for June 5, 2008.

The CEE and many other Institutes are too active with the CO2 Kick the Habit to start doing simple things. (Read in news) Even the Premium fuels from Indian oil is calling people towards taking a pledge to conserve energy, use better fuels thereby being a part of lowering the carbon emissions. The Gujarat Government is all about committed to green ship recyling.
It's almost forgotten that with the Iraq War, the environmental consequences are facing threats of acid rain as well as respiratory and carcinogenic effects in humans accordingly. With the chemical and bio weapons with depleted Uranium (DU) causes lung cancer, kidney failure and many diseases. The burning oil wells has environmental problems and as oil is spilled in seas and ground, the hazard is yet to combat. Many more advance urban living is resulting to awareness on How to Mend the world.

Here's Earth Talk Questions of readers on Environmental concerns and Iraq War consequences and other problems. It says All.......Anyways, here are 77 ways on how you can save Environment. Promise to make a difference to the World! Save the Earth, Save Nature!

- ilaxi patel
Newspaper for Kids with resources for Parents and Teachers

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